A collection of pages on various topics.
Commercialization of being
small activism
Automated testing in machine learning
Subequivariant Meshgraphnetsâ
An experiment trying to extend Learning Mesh-Based Simulation with Graph Networks which remains competitive in mesh based simulation by making the model subequivariant.
Guest Cursors: An occasional shadow of a stranger
A sense of place
A one year retrospective of buying an e-bikeâ
Apple, please
Why ISO-8601 is the superior date format
Challenges of finding a good notetaking app
Overloading functions in Python
A short note on symmetries in Quantum Mechanics
Awesome software you might not know about
Policy on Recommending Things
Some cognitive biases are rational under some assumptions
QWERTY is fine, actually
What's the role of society?
Running models on edge devices is a win-win for users and providers
Quantization is unreasonably effective
Path tracing
Path tracing is an amazing algorithm for simulating light transport. While it's not physical in nature, it does simulate physical light well. In this series, we develop our intuition for and implement the path tracing algorithm.
A Gentle Introduction to Quantum Mechanicsâ
Building a Pretty Fast Path Tracer in Python from Scratch
Techniques I have found useful for avoiding procrastination
You're Wrong About the Dunning-Kruger Effect
The Beauty of Ray Tracing
Do you have the right to die? - Doctor assisted suicide.
Our Depressing Universe
A Framework for Solving Hard Physics Problems
Competition vs Collaboration
Are countries outdated?
Veganism & The Environment
Veganism & Morality
Veganism & Health
You Shouldn't Use Grid Search
A look at veganism, and the arguments for and against becoming vegan today.
Veganism Myths
A critical look into capitalism, and imaginations for a better system.
Why is sleep so underrated?
Thinking about Neural Network Layers
Dijkstra's Algorithm for Grids in Python
Introduction to IRT
How to get away with murder
Statistical Murders: The Victims of the Climate Crisis
Collective and Individual Responsibility
Is this a tank? - The Pentagon
Should we work?â
Characterizing Exoplanet Interiors
We show that we are able to constrain the material composition of exoplanets given their mass and radius.
Introduction To The Basics Of Neural Networks
In recent years, neural networks have shown great potential across a wide range of industries. In this series, we look at how neural networks work from a theoretical point of view.
Creating Your First Machine Learning Classifier with Sklearn