Awesome software that you might not know about
A collection of software that I think is good, interesting, or enjoyable. I try not to list things that are made by big corporations, or which are already well known. For example, I don't list Minecraft as a game although I think it's great because you likely already know about it. I have written more elaborately about my policy on recommending things.
"Awesome" is referring to a trend in the open source community to call compilations of interesting projects around a topic "awesome lists".
In the indieweb community, there is a bit of a trend of listing the default apps, or the apps that people use for a set of tasks. I tend to enjoy reading these as it gives a bit of insight into the person in a fun and quirky way. But a lot of them feature the same few hugely popular apps across the different tasks. Sometimes, there are one or two less well known apps which are the ones I find most special.
Moreover, most of the apps I use I don't feel particularly excited about. So that's why I have collected some lesser known software that I use, and which I think is genuinely awesome in some respect. They are not recommendation per se, but they are all pretty cool projects that you might find interesting.